Whitney's Music Studio

in Shallowater, Texas and Lubbock, Texas area


806-832-0531 or 806-317-2381 (text)

Private Lessons
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Private Lessons

Piano - Ages 5 to adult

Harp - Ages 8 to adult; Prerequisite - at least 2 years of piano study

    30 minutes in length

    Consist of assigned material, theory, ear training and repertoire appropriate to the student's level of proficiency.

    Designed to meet the specific needs and goals of each student

Whitney teaches the classic/traditional method of note reading. She does not teach the Suzuki method.

Students should have access to an instrument daily to practice and enhance their music experience.

Activities & Opportunities:

(These are typically done.)

Studio Recitals - December & May - All students are encouraged to participate in the studio recitals.

Spring Piano Festival - April - Students are judged on two memorized pieces. Students have the opportunity to receive a ribbon based on achievement.

Student Affiliate Activities - All of these require membership in Student Affiliate. These events give you an opportunity to participate with other students to enrich your skills and abilities. All songs must be memorized.

             Theory test - November and February - Students
              have the opportunity to receive a medal based on

Become a 1 Minute Club Member

Play music games monthly with another student or teacher

Play duets with another student or teacher

Earn "music money" based on how well you do and "cash" it in for fun prizes.



"Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and extol Him with music and song." Psalms 95:2

"Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music." Psalms 98:4