Whitney's Music Studio

in Shallowater, Texas and Lubbock, Texas area


806-832-0531 or 806-317-2381 (text)

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Why Take Music Lessons
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Why Take Music Lessons?  

What Are the Advantages of Music Study?

• Music study enhances ability to do well in school.

• Music study enhances school readiness, fine motor control, the use of symbol systems, the ability to follow directions, concentration, memory, perserverance, visual and aural discrimination, organizational skills, task completion, and goal setting.

• Music study encourages abstract thought, and stimulates right-brained activities including synthesis, creativity, intuition, and innovation - skills that are not adequately covered by the public school curriculum.

• Music study develops attention span and concentration levels.

• Music study builds self esteem and develops initiative.

• Music plays a significant part in the development of the brain. It is the only subject that uses the entire brain.

More articles on the benefits of music lessons:

Are You Ready To Be The Parent Of A Piano Student?

Music Lessons: A Roller Coaster Ride

The Positive Power of Music     

   Doctor Speculates Tainted Pork, Not Intrigue, Downfall of Music Genius    

Music Education and Success in School

Why Do I Have to Play Songs I Don't Like?

Why Do I Have To Practice Scales?

Music Magic 

 Piano Lessons Make Kids Smarter!

Give the Gift of Music 

Piano Lessons Increase Math Skills

The Latest on How the Brain Works

Problems with Used Pianos

Taped Practicing

Who Needs Music Readiness?

A Birthday for the Piano

Seminar Stresses Music Education

Your Child's Brain

Let's Make Music Together

Fanny Crosby: Queen of Gospel Hymns

The Essentials of Keyboard Pedagogy: First Topic

The Essentials of Keyboard Pedagogy: Second Topic

The Essentials of Keyboard Pedagogy: Third Topic

The Healing Power of Music

National Conference on Piano Pedagogy

Music Programs Promote, Validate Education Goals

Productive Practicing

Learning to Cope with Performance

Piano Education Page - Tips - Your Child and Lessons

My Experience in Learning to Play the Piano

The Proven Benefits of Playing the Piano

What Do We Hope for in "Piano Parents"?

A Piano Adds Sophistication

How Do You Keep Students Interested....?

German Research Reveals Benefits of Music Study

The Mozart Effect

Music Lessons May Open the Mind to Math and Science

Piano Lessons Increase Math Skills

Many Changes in Piano Pedagogy

Partners in Learning




"Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and extol Him with music and song." Psalms 95:2

"Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music." Psalms 98:4